Monday, February 26, 2007


James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici have produced a documentary which claims to have found the remains of Jesus of Nazareth.

They claim to have put together DNA and archaeological evidence, as well as evidence found in biblical studies proving the coffins belong to Jesus and his family. Reports say the documentary also shows Jesus to have fathered a son.

Cameron has scheduled a press conference for today (Monday), in New York, where he plans to reveal the coffin and 90 minute documentary.

Christians are, of course, livid.
But when are they not?


Andrew Glazebrook said...

It's one thing to say you have DNA,but what do you have to compare it to to prove it's genuine ?

Jim said...

Mary Magdalene's dress?


Frank Gillespie said...

Oh come on! We're not all nut jobs. Concerning Andrews question, of course if there was a good sample of DNA in that tomb, it would have to match up with someone of Jewish ancestry.
Jim, only in Dan Brown's world.

Jim said...

Frank - I keed, I keed.

Mr. Legs said...

Jesus is buried deep, deep in my heart.

Jesus's love babies are also buried deep, deep in my heart.

My heart is riddled with Jesus's love babies...much like worms riddle the heart of a dog who eats feces...

The pain! Can't...breathe...left arm...tingling...getting dark...and cold...oh so cold!

WHY???!!! WHY JESUS???!!! WHY???!!!!