Monday, March 03, 2008


So Marvel is coming out with a new book, "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY" (pic right). It's stemming out from the "Annihilation" run of books and has no relation to the previous '90s title of the same name.

That book was by Jim Valentino, a co-founder of Image Comics. Set in the 31st Century, it played off the Marvel Universe's past (our present) and was a fun team book with each of its team members from a diff't planet - each the last of their kind.The leader was MAJOR VANCE ASTRO, an astronaut from the 20th Century (think Buck Rogers w/super powers) who eventually finds the old relic shield of Captain America. A leader with a heart of gold, he did not feel worthy of carrying Cap's shield, but quickly earned readers' approval (although he himself never agreed, which just added to his modest worthiness). Unfortunately, with the shield also came a super lame, embarrassing costume (it was the 90s and it was Jim Valentino). Other members included Martinex (a crystal dude), Charlie-27 (a thick heavy dude from Jupiter that bugged me). And my favorite: YONDU, from Beta Centauri IV. Blue skin, Red fin "mohawk" and bow - sold!

The writing and art was meh (or crappy, depending on how you spin it), but for some reason I quite enjoyed it at the time (of course, this was 18 years ago and I was 15). The premise and potential was definitely there, I thought . The book started off mediocre (but with promise), but alas quickly self-destructed. One of the main strengths of the book was how it was lightly tethered to the regular Marvel Universe. But all-too soon, the book begain to heavily rely on bringing in the 31st Century counterpart of so-and-so and storylines.
By issue #7, we had "MALEVOLENCE" the daughter of Mephisto. It was the early 90s, so Wolverine was becoming an overused icon... so enter the horrible "RANCOR", Wolverine's great-great-granddaughter (Hey, Daniel Way must have been a GotG fan!). Then the male PHOENIX (Grant Morrisson must have been a GotG fan, too!). Again, it was the 90s... so we had the future GHOST RIDER and future PUNISHER GANG. I'm shocked we never saw the future VENOM. Issue #19 (in what I assume was an attempt to further boost sales) Valentino introduced "TALON", a manimal "Wolverine-like" character.... that fights Rancor (Jeph Loeb... GotG fan!). I won't even mention "WODEN" (too late!), son of Thor.

The book started off with promise, ate itself alive and actually lasted a whopping 62 issues! (I painfully hung on til #25, where Galactus showed up... he should have destroyed all and ended the series & "universe"... much like how "Ultimate Gah Lak Tus" should have played out... but that's another rant and I'm rambling)

When I first heard Marvel was coming out with a new "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY", I must admit I was excited. Unfortunately its in name only. I would have loved to see a new incarnation of the Guardians - A band of characters, each the last-of-their-kind, coming together and becoming heroes. Throw a top-notch creative team on the book and you're set! Of course, you'd have to include a Centaurian!!!!

Wow... a JimSmash post about the 90s Guardians of the Galaxy. A milestone of obsure fun... or scraping the bottom of ideas?
*The Guardians of the Galaxy first appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 1 #18, 1969.


Frank Gillespie said...

I loved the "what if" aspect more than anything else. Obscure fun indeed!

Tim said...

Major Vance was cursed because he couldn't take off the lame costume or he'd die. (do to time travel and marvel science)

and of course, it was made of admantium.

i also liked the whole "what-if" factor. like, how magneto actually convinced most of the mutants to leave earth and on settle on a distant planet. and also how iron man's armory ended up crashing on another pre-dawn civilation and how they ended up worshiping it as "the Stark"..

(too much knowledge of bad comics)

Anonymous said...

This had completely escaped my memory! Great post! And comments, too!